reb•e•lu•tion (reb’el lu shen) n. a teenage rebellion against the low expectations of an ungodly culture.


Request: Hosting For Noah Riner Video

As some of you know, The Rebelution was one of the primary sources in the blogosphere for commentary on Dartmouth University student Noah Riner's convocation speech to incoming freshman two months ago, as well as being one the few sources on the Internet that provided a link to a video of the speech.

Unfortunately, since that time the video has been removed from the site on which it was hosted — and to my knowledge — is no longer available anywhere online. I have the .wmv file on my computer but do not have a decent place to host it. That's where you, our readers, come in.

Here's my request: Would anyone — with hosting capabilities and decent bandwith — be willing to permanently host the .wmv file?

If you would be willing to help The Rebelution make this powerful speech available to the public in video format, please email us at: rebelution [dot] blogspot [at] gmail [dot] com.

UPDATE: Eric Rice of Wright Film Association has kindly offered to host the video file. The URL will be made available within the next 24-48 hours and the links in past posts will be updated.

Soli Deo Gloria!