reb•e•lu•tion (reb’el lu shen) n. a teenage rebellion against the low expectations of an ungodly culture.


SAICFF: 11:55 A.M. - 10/28

Brett and I are in room 007 watching two films in the Young Filmmakers category. The first, called Finally Home, directed by Phillip Leclerc, is a 33-minute film that tells the story of Jesse, a young teen whose parents were killed in a fatal car accident and who lives in a State home for boys. Driven by unanswered questions, Jesse takes a group of boys and feels the boy's home to the only person he knows can help him — "Uncle Owen." So far, I've really appreciate the high quality camera work in this film.

The second film, coming up next, is a film directed by then-15, now 16 year-old, John Moore, entitled Bubble Trouble. A brief description of this film can be found here.