reb•e•lu•tion (reb’el lu shen) n. a teenage rebellion against the low expectations of an ungodly culture.


Brittany McComb: Legal Brief Available

The Rutherford Institute — representing high school valedictorian Brittany McComb (read the full story, click here) — has recently posted its legal brief in the First Amendment lawsuit it has filed against the Clark County school district.

We know our legal-minded readers will be interested. However, others who have followed the story should also attempt to glean some of the detailed information and arguments it contains.

Although we decided that excerpts were to lengthy to include in this post, several sections of interest include the argument based on the text of the school district's regulations (pages 6-7) and the step-by-step account of the events leading up to the graduation ceremony (pages 7-13).

Download the PDF: Click Here.