reb•e•lu•tion (reb’el lu shen) n. a teenage rebellion against the low expectations of an ungodly culture.


Post(s) of the Week: WorshipMatters

Brett and I are pleased to introduce a new feature of The Rebelution — the 'Post(s) of the Week'. Each week we will scour the blogosphere for great posts and share our favorite(s) every Saturday here on the blog.

Sort of like "weekend reading" for rebelutionaries.

Of course, we'll need your help to make this work. Read a post you think should be considered? Shoot us an email (rebelution [dot] blogspot [at] gmail [dot] com) with a direct link. If we include it on that weeks' Post(s) of the Week, you'll get the credit.

With that said, we present the "Posts of the Week" for January 1st-7th:

Bob Kauflin serves as a pastor and worship leader at Covenant Life Church in Gaithersburg, MD, and directs worship and music development for Sovereign Grace Ministries.

Combining a wealth of study and thought with years of hands-on experience and incredible gifting, Mr. Kauflin plays a multi-faceted role by training pastors and worship leaders in the theology and practicals of worship, leading others to exalt and encounter God in corporate worship, and participating in recording projects through Sovereign Grace Ministries.

Just over two months ago (November 2nd), Mr. Kauflin started a blog called WorshipMatters. In Brett's and my opinion, it's one of the best on the web.

Whether you're worship leader, Christian musician, or simply a follower of Jesus Christ hoping to fall more deeply in love with the Savior, WorshipMatters will greatly assist you in your efforts. Why? Because worship is so much more than music and lyrics; it's so much more than a Sunday morning activity. As Christians we are to worship God in all areas of life... Including blogging.

Over the past week, Mr. Kauflin posted an excellent three-part series called "Blogging to Worship God" and covering the topics of content, attitudes, and motives. A must-read for Christian bloggers and commenters alike, this series is the first recipient of the "Post(s) of the Week."

Brett and I encourage all of you to take the time this weekend to read the series and think about it. Then come back here and share your thoughts. We trust you will be blessed.
Read the series 'Blogging to Worship God': Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3