reb•e•lu•tion (reb’el lu shen) n. a teenage rebellion against the low expectations of an ungodly culture.


CFA: 9:00 P.M. - 10/24

Mr. Geoffrey Botkin, a former Marxist, now a solidly Christian, presuppositional film producer and IT pioneer, shares on the responsibilities of independent Christian filmmakers. One point that continues to resurface — one that is absolutely critical — is that, without a solidly biblical worldview, it is not good for Christians to venture into the world of filmmaking. Our goal is not just to equip Christians with the latest filmmaking technology, or to persuade as many professing Christians as possible to go out and make movies. Rather our ultimate goal and need is for godly Christians who follow the Lord's calling on their lives, who allow their faith to permeate all areas of their lives, and who refuse to compromise their convictions. If such Christians can be raised, then equipped, and finally, networked together... Then we will truly change our society.