reb•e•lu•tion (reb’el lu shen) n. a teenage rebellion against the low expectations of an ungodly culture.


Alex and Brett's Booklist

Welcome to Alex and Brett's Booklist. Last Updated: 8/19/06

Here you will find a frequently-updated list of books we are reading, have read, or plan on reading. Please note that some of the books on this list were written with a non-Christian worldview, but that all contain elements we believe will benefit a mature Christian young person.

Use the comments section to suggest books, discuss books, and ask more detailed questions about books. This dynamic post is linked in the sidebar, so you can keep on checking for further literary discussion and list additions. For more information on a specific book, click on the thumbnail to be directed to or

We believe that reading is one of the best and easiest ways to grow in spirit and intellect. It is an essential part of the Rebelution movement.

For more thoughts on the subject, click here.

God bless your reading!

Alex and Brett Harris

- Special Project -

The Holy Bible (ESV) by God

Inspired by Heidi of A Blessed Servant, Brett and I have decided (along with our dear sister and a good friend) to read through the entire Bible in 50 days. Our deadline is October 7th.

- Currently Reading -

Getting Things Done by David Allen

Purchased upon reading the recommendation of Wayne Grudem, this book is having a big impact on the way we manage our many projects. Promising readers reduced stress and increased productivity, this book delivers.

Total Truth by Nancy Pearcey

We read more than half of this book for philosophy class. It was excellent. We finally are getting back to it, and starting from the beginning. It is worth re-reading.

Knowing God by J.I. Packer

We have heard many great things about this book. It was added to the list upon the recommendation of Lindsey, who blogs at Beauty from the Heart.

Stories from American History edited by Brian Lamb

The more time goes on, the greater appreciation and importance we place on a comprehensive knowledge of history.

- On Our Reading List -

The New Faithful by Colleen Carroll

After reading countless excellent quotes from this book in Hans Zeiger's book Reagan's Children, we decided to get it. It's subtitle: "Why young adults are embracing Christian orthodoxy."

With One Voice by Alex and Marni Chediak

This book on biblical relationships has received solid reviews from several men we respect. We're looking forward to reading it.

Better Off by Eric Brende

A look at technology and the question: How much is too much? MIT graduate Eric Brende and his wife spent eighteen months without electricity. This book is their hands on story.

Confessions of a Reformission Rev. by Mark Driscoll

Warning: Mark Driscoll is often crude, and at times, shocking. At the same time, he also is one of the few men in our country engaging in true evangelism with unflinching loyalty to the Gospel of Christ.

The Life and Diary of David Brainerd edited by Jonathan Edwards

Brainerd was a missionary to the American Indians in NY, NJ, and eastern PA. Although he died of tuberculosis at the age of twenty-nine, he left a tremendous legacy.

Always Ready by Dr. Greg Bahnsen

Listening to The Great Debate between Dr. Greg Bahnsen and atheist Dr. Gordon Stein was a turning point in our approach to apologetics.

When Character Was King by Peggy Noonan

You can make great men and women of the past your companions by reading biographies. Ronald Reagan is a man Brett and I would like to walk with.

Winning the Future by Newt Gingrich

Recommended by our father. Newt Gingrich has a vision for the future of America.

The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto

An in-depth look at a topic that has (and does) profoundly shape and effect the lives of our nation's young people.

The Fight by John White

We have read this book together as a family in the past and now we want to read it invidually. A handbook for the Christian life.

The Long Tail by Chris Anderson

Addressing the changing landscape of business and marketing, Chris Anderson argues that the future of business is selling less of more.

- Completed Books -

Soul Searching by Christian Smith with Melinda Denton

An must-read book for anyone with a heart for this generation. Reporting the findings of the largest and most detailed study of teens and religion ever undertaken, this book gives a keen and insightful look at a generation.

Crunchy Cons by Rod Dreher

A insightful look at a new breed of conservatives. Those to whom politics is an interest will find this book interesting and thought-provoking.

Reagan's Children by Hans Zeiger

This book is full of hope for a rising generation. Our good friend and rebelutionary Hans Zeiger presents an exhaustively researched look at the future of our nation.

The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn

Whether our priorities are earthly or eternal is made evident by how we spend our time and our money. This book addresses the latter subject and provides the key to unlock the joy of generous giving.

What's The Difference? by John Piper

John Piper does an excellent job describing the beauty of biblical manhood and womanhood. Highly recommended for young men and women looking for a better understanding of the biblical roles.

The Ralph Moody Series by Ralph Moody

This must be the sixth or seventh time we've read through our all-time favorite series as a family. One of Brett's and my dreams is to produce/direct a quality film adaptation.

Eric Liddell: Pure Gold by David M. Casland

We received this book for Christmas from our brother and sister-in-law. An incredible look beyond "Chariots of Fire" and into the life of an incredible missionary.

When I Don't Desire God by John Piper

John Piper is one of our heroes and this book is one of his best. Learn to fight for joy... Soul-satisfying, unquenchable joy.

The Complete Father Brown by GK Chesterton

Chesteron has a way with words. We find that our writing improves dramatically after reading his works. Father Brown's understanding of human nature puts him on par, perhaps above, the great Sherlock Holmes.

The Enemy Within by Kris Lungaard

Everytime we read this book we gain new insights. Lungaard brings the works of John Owen to contemporary readers in a way that is easily understood and applied. A must-read book for rebelutionaries.

The Lexus and the Olive Tree by Thomas L. Friedman

A very informative, yet easy to read, book on globalization, by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Thomas Friedman.

The AP Guide to Newswriting by Rene J. Cappon

This book was incredibly helpful and is highly recommended for all writers, particularly bloggers and aspiring journalists.

Humility: True Greatness by CJ Mahaney

CJ Mahaney is another of our heroes and a shining example of godly leadership. This book is written in the spirit of humility it seeks to inspire in its readers.

Federal Husband by Doug Wilson

To our knowledge, we're not close to getting married. But cultivating the leadership, servant's heart, and maturity needed to be a husband and a father starts now.

Reforming Marriage by Doug Wilson

We read several of Doug Wilson's books on a road trip to San Antonio. We really appreciate his biblical convictions on this issue.

Her Hand In Marriage by Doug Wilson

This is an excellent book for guys who want to get married someday. Do we realize the value of what we are asking for? Are we preparing to be worthy of such a prize?

Fidelity by Doug Wilson

A convicting critique of a culture of infidelity and a call to return to a culture of one-woman men and one-man women.

The Purity Principle by Randy Alcorn

An excellent and insightful book on the subject of purity. Great for reading along with your daily devotions.

The Cross-Centered Life by CJ Mahaney

It is easy to wrongly center our lives around certain people, things, hopes or dreams. In this book CJ Mahaney draws our focus back to where it should be, the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thoughts for Young Men by JC Ryle

A classic and timeless book for young men that has lost none of its applicability in the years since it was written. Highly recommended for all our guy readers.

The Universe Next Door by James Sire

Understanding the worldview of other religions is an important step in grasping your own. This book gives a helpful overview and critique of popular (and flawed) religious worldviews.

The Radical Reformission by Mark Driscoll

Mark Driscoll is a controversial man. At the same time, he is one of the few men in our country engaging in true evangelism with unflinching loyalty to the Gospel of Christ.

The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell

An indepth and thought-provoking look at social epidemics, this book is a must-read for anyone who wants to change their culture and their world.

Blog by Hugh Hewitt

When we first starting blogging, we read this book. An excellent introduction to the art and power of blogging. This was a great foundation.

The Joshua Generation by Michael Farris

Michael Farris is a man we greatly respect. This book is his call for a generation to rise to leadership. Guys especially, we need to listen to that call.

The World Is Flat by Thomas L. Friedman

Whether we like it or not, globalization is happening. This book does a superb job of identifying the new challenges of the 21st century. To understand the times in which you live, read this book.

ProLife Answers to ProChoice Arguments by Randy Alcorn

It's one thing to be pro-life, it's another to know how to defend and articulate that conviction to those who are opposed. This is an encylopedia of the defense of the pro-life position. Get this book.

Why Pro-Life? by Randy Alcorn

A much shorter and simpler version of the above book. Great for giving to people who have questions or for a simple overview and reminder of why you are pro-life.

Francis Schaeffer Trilogy by Francis Schaeffer

Francis Schaeffer was an incredible man. His influence on our approach to evangelism and apologetics and our worldview has been great. This trilogy has had a lasting impact on how we live and think.

The Passion of Jesus Christ by John Piper

It's easy to get a one-dimensional or simplistic view of Jesus' life and death. This book smashes such thinking as Piper presents 50 reasons why He came and died.

Holiness by JC Ryle

It's tempting to avoid reading "old" books and just read new ones. That's a dangerous error. This book presents a timeless and helpful look at the pursuit and practice of holiness.

The Harsh Truth About Public Schools by Bruce Shortt

We appreciate the great work that is being accomplished by individual teachers and students in public schools, but we strongly believe that the system itself is flawed. This book is a powerful critique of that system.

God's Lesser Glory by Bruce Ware

A response to the destructive theological movement of open theism. Bruce Ware gives a lengthy and accurate overview of the false doctrine and its arguments, then powerfully and biblically refutes it.

Genesis in Space and Time by Francis Schaeffer

This book walks you through the book of Genesis, explaining the enigmas of secular philosophy with the truth of God's word.

Heaven by Randy Alcorn

We were made for a person and a place. Jesus is that person, heaven is that place. This book paints a beautiful picture of our eternal home and refutes many common misconceptions about what the Bible says about heaven.

The Fabric of the Cosmos by Brian Greene

A highly thought-provoking book on quantum physics. The field of physics is fascinating and this book puts in terms that a non-math whiz can understand.

Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper

A book of particular significance to young adults and rebelutionaries. The title really does say it all. Don't waste your life. Highly recommended.

Future Grace by John Piper

In what do we put our faith when things go wrong? Where do we find hope? Not just by looking back to the cross, but by look ahead to the future grace that Christ's death has bought.

The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt by Edmund Morris

Reading biographies of great men and women is a must for rebelutionaries. Theodore Roosevelt is one such man. This biography gives and insightful and inspiring look at his life prior to the presidency.

The Dangerous Duty of Delight by John Piper

A small and short book with a powerful message. The call of a Christian is one of danger, but it is also one of delight. This book shows you how to live a perilous life of Christ-centered joy.

The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination by Loraine Boettner

We include books like this on our list, not to make an argument or statement on our theological beliefs, but rather to encourage our readers (guys especially) in the intentional study of doctrine. You will not regret it.

Boy Meets Girl by Joshua Harris

Neither of us know if we've met "the girl" yet, but suffice to say, we'll be using the principles found in this book when that time comes.

One Thing by Sam Storms

We are made for one thing: To glorify God by enjoying Him forever. Sam Storms communicates this life-shaping truth in a clear and biblical way.

Sex Is Not the Problem, Lust Is by Joshua Harris

We have been blessed to benefit from the insight that God has given our older brother. This book is an example of that reality. Convicting, encouraging, biblical and practical, this is a "PG" book on lust for guys and girls.

I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris

People often ask us if we agree with our older brother about dating and courtship. The short answer is, yes. Perhaps we're biased, but we think this is one of the best
books out there for Christian teens.

- Oft-Referenced Works -

Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem

Our constant theological reference work. A systematic theology that is at once weighty and understandable, firmly based in Scripture.

Valley of Vision edited by Arthur Bennett

A beautiful collection of Puritan prayers. Excellent supplement to devotions and church services.

Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics edited by Norman Geisler

A very helpful companion through our NCFCA apologetics days. Contains a wealth of knowledge on nearly all apologetical topics.

Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview by J.P. Moreland & William Craig

An incredible book that must (unfortunately) be read in bite-sized pieces.